Energetics Leads Development of Vehicle Technologies Office Program Reports

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) recently published its FY 2022 Annual Progress Reports (APRs). Energetics works with DOE and national laboratories to develop and finalize these publications.
VTO initiatives include seven programs that support research, development, and demonstration of various aspects of next-generation vehicle technologies:
- Analysis
- Batteries
- Decarbonization of Off-Road, Rail, Marine, and Aviation (DORMA)
- Electrification
- Electric Drive Technologies
- Grid and Infrastructure
- Energy Efficient Mobility Systems
- Technology Integration
- Materials
DOE support includes funding and monitoring cross-sector projects that address critical technical barriers and challenges to implementing low-cost, secure, and sustainable transportation systems.
Each fiscal year, these seven programs issue reports that highlight progress at both the program and project levels. Energetics leads the development of six of these reports for VTO. Our APR leads collect progress reports from VTO program managers and all the projects’ principal investigators, develop progress summaries, compile inputs, and lead several rounds of editing, formatting, and quality assurance.
The reports are available on the DOE VTO website.