Maximize the impact of the IRA with our essential, best-in-class technology toolkit.
Our turnkey, integrated solution empowers administrators by streamlining the processes of income verification and data-reporting. That way, state energy offices can easily work within the DOE’s rules and regulations to stack – or “braid”– rebates effectively from a variety of local, state and utility programs. As a result, contractors, consumers and program administrators alike are set up for success when it comes to saving energy.

Key features of CLEAResult ATLAS™ IRA Home Energy Rebates:
Allows for rebate stacking from local, state and utility funding sources.
Provides multiple pathways to income verification including “categorical eligibility” for participants in other income-eligible programs.
Pre-packaged integration with the DOE’s national rebate tracker, making end-to-end workflow requirements a snap (includes 18 distinct workflows today).
Supports dynamic incentive calculations based on income level of applicant and/or the percent of energy savings being modeled.
Advanced targeting tools to reach the customers that need it most.
Streamlines the management of trade allies and contractors.
Request a CLEAResult ATLAS™ IRA Home Energy Rebates demo.
Simplify program delivery with CLEAResult ATLAS™ IRA Home Energy Rebates. See how easy it can be to implement the IRA’s energy efficiency initiatives by scheduling a demo with one of our consultants today.