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Action packed 4th quarter: Celebrating end-of-year events.

Action packed 4th quarter: Celebrating end-of-year events.

The highlight of this past quarter took place recently at the E Source Forum where we held a one-of-kind volunteer opportunity in partnership with Groundwork Denver. Together, we turned our exhibit booth into a space to craft seed bombs—compact bundles of Denver-native seeds and soil. These seed bombs will find their way throughout the Denver Metro area via guerilla gardening and help introduce new beneficial plants to the local environment.   

As we look ahead, the fourth quarter is heavily focused on regional events. Our journey will take us across the United States as we drive conversations about the challenges and possibilities for a future powered by energy efficiency. Additionally, we’ll also spend time discussing updates on local policies related to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).   

Here’s where you can find us:


57th New England Building Officials Education Association (NEBOEA) Educational Conference    
When: October 2-4, 2023    
Where: Amherst, MA   
How to attend: Register today   
What’s on our minds: Energy-efficient devices like air source heat pumps that utilize ambient air to provide heating and cooling for residential and commercial spaces.   
Speakers: Charles McCraken, Senior Account Manager, will present on October 3 from 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM during “Air Source Heat Pumps: Best Practices and Lessons Learned in 2023.”


EEI Fall National Key Accounts Workshop    
When: October 8-11, 2023   
Where: Columbus, OH   
How to attend: Register today   
What’s on our minds: Building connections with fellow energy efficiency professionals and exploring the latest industry trends.   
Where to find us: Stop by our sponsor table!


NASEO Annual Meeting   
When: October 16-19   
Where: Portland, OR   
How to attend: Register today   
What’s on our minds: Latest updates surrounding the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).   
Where to find us: We will be sponsoring the annual meeting and attending all sessions relating to residential energy efficiency and electrification.   
Speakers: Alex Scott, Business Development Vice President, will be speaking during breakout session “Categorical Eligibility and Income Verification.”


ACEEE National Conference on Energy Efficiency as a Resource   
When: October 16-18   
Where: Philadelphia, PA   
How to attend: Register today   
What’s on our minds: New technologies and strategies used to create efficiency programs that reduce greenhouse gases as well as programs that lower bills and improve the well-being of low-income customers.   
Speakers: Join Charles McCraken’s, Senior Account Manager, session on “Rhode Island Residential Utility EE and HVAC Rebate Program - 17 years of saving”


National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) Annual Conference and Exchange 2023   
When: October 22-25, 2023   
Where: Baltimore, MD    
How to attend: Register today    
What’s on our minds: Economic equity and how to improve access to clean energy sources for everyone.   
Where to find us: Our supplier diversity team will be attending! Seek us out to discuss barriers in our industry.   

Southeast Energy Summit   
When: October 25-27, 2023   
Where: Atlanta, GA    
How to attend: Register today    
What’s on our minds: Developing improved programs for low-income households, building a workforce that's inclusive of diversity within the energy sector and enhancing regional resilience.     
•    Keith Canfield, Program Portfolio Manager, will be participating in the Utility Solutions Pecha Kucha session on Thursday, October 26.    
•    Mandy Faulk, Program Director, will be moderating a breakout session surrounding workforce development.


MultiFamily Point   
When: November 5-8, 2023   
Where: Chicago, IL   
How to attend: Register today   
What’s on our minds: Reducing your carbon footprint.   
Where to find us: We will be attending as a supplier in boardroom style meetings as well as participating in one-on-one conversations with companies interested in sustainability practices.


48th PLMA Conference   
When: November 6-8, 2023   
Where: Charlotte, NC    
How to attend: Register today    
What’s on our minds: Flexible load management, distributed energy resources (DERs) as grid resources, decarbonization and EV managed charging.   
Where to find us: Stop by our sponsor table or join us in Wednesday Track C sessions covering large utility program results.


BPA New England Home Performance Conference and Trade Show   
When: November 7-8, 2023   
Where: Springfield, MA    
How to attend: Register today    
What’s on our minds: Region-specific updates and information for home performance and weatherization professionals living and working in New England.   
Speakers: Michael Varney, Associate Program Manager, and Charles McCraken, Senior Account Manager, will be presenting during the session “Insulation and Air Source Heat Pumps: A Perfect Match.”


CEDMC 2023 Fall Conference   
When: November 7-8, 2023   
Where: Oakland, CA and Online   
How to attend: Register Today    
What’s on our mind: Key policy issues facing the state of California.   
Where to find us: In the crowd listening to how we can advance California’s clean energy industry.


Iowa Energy Summit   
When: November 7-8, 2023   
Where: Altoona, IA   
How to attend: Register today    
What’s on our minds: Everything energy efficiency Iowa related!   
Where to find us: We will be at our sponsor table and available to network during sessions or the reception.


Ohio Energy Conference   
When: November 8-9, 2023   
Where: Columbus, OH   
How to attend: Register today    
What’s on our minds: Lowering carbon emissions in Ohio.   
Where to find us: Our decarbonization team will be attending. Please feel free to join us during all sessions.


ACEEE 2023 Behavior, Energy, and Climate Change (BECC)   
When: November 12-15, 2023   
Where: Sacramento, CA   
How to attend: Register today    
What’s on our minds: Fresh concepts, novel policies and innovative approaches to influencing behavioral changes that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.   
Where to find us: Attending sessions on EVs, HVAC, decarbonization and DEI.


SWEEP Annual Southwest Utility Energy Efficiency Workshop   
When: November 13-15, 2023   
Where: Salt Lake City, UT   
How to attend: Register today    
What’s on our minds: The latest developments in demand side management (DSM) programs from the region’s utilities, emerging energy efficiency technologies and program designs as well as electric vehicles and clean transportation.   
Where to find us: Our company representative Alex Scott, Business Development Vice President, will be among the session and networking reception crowds.


Texas Energy Summit   
When: November 15-17, 2023   
Where: Austin, TX   
How to attend: Register today    
What’s on our minds: Reducing Texas carbon emissions.   
Where to find us: Representing at sessions covering energy optimization, electric vehicles, sustainability and resiliency.  


MJBizCon 2023   
When: November 28 – December 1, 2023   
Where: Las Vegas, NV   
How to attend: Register today    
What’s on our minds: Energy efficiency consulting for indoor agriculture facilities.    
Where to find us: Representing the indoor agriculture practice at our exhibit booth.   

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