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CLEAResult Supports the EV Future Through Our Partnership with Peninsula Clean Energy

By: James Russell

In light of California’s new rule barring the sale of gas-powered vehicles beginning in 2035, there’s little doubt anymore that electric vehicles (EVs) are the future. At CLEAResult, we’ve made it our mission to change the way people use energy—and EVs are a crucial part of that vision.

Recently, we’ve been expanding our focus on EV-aligned initiatives, applying our energy expertise to boost new programs—like Peninsula Clean Energy’s EV Ready Program. With our support, the program aims to invest $28 million in the installation and operation of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure at commercial workplaces, multi-family dwellings, and various accessible public locations.

The goal of the program is to enable the rapid scale up of charging infrastructure and dramatically increase EV adoption throughout the county. The implementation of widescale, power-managed L2 and L1 equipment will enable more charging ports at a lower cost while simultaneously managing distribution infrastructure impacts and resource adequacy risk better than typical deployments. Studies have shown that typical driving habits can be supported by longer charging sessions at lower power levels—a key insight that will support this lower-cost deployment.


“Working closely with CLEAResult to design and launch outreach and technical support for this program was a collaborative and productive process”, says Rafael Reyes, Director of Energy Programs at Peninsula Clean Energy. “CLEAResult’s support enables us to take a critical step in our efforts to make electric vehicles accessible and affordable and create a sizable dent in transportation-sector greenhouse gas emissions.”


With CLEAResult’s support, the effort will strengthen the market ecosystem by providing training for associated contractors on the innovative project design, fill knowledge gaps around EV charging that property owners and managers of eligible facilities may have, and prepare for the “electrify everything” future by identifying locations within existing infrastructure that can support the highest number of ports. And if customers are prepared to make upgrades, our approach will ensure they get the most out of their investment.


Over the course of its four-year run, PCE’s program aims to install 3,500 charging ports across San Mateo County. The initiative combines $24 million in direct project incentives, $2 million for free technical assistance for eligible properties, and $1 million to support workforce development across the county, along with other miscellaneous costs.

We’re proud to play a role in this comprehensive program through our marketing outreach and technical support, including free site evaluations for interested customers. In partnering with PCE on the EV Ready program, we’re supporting an effort that will offer property managers and owners a straightforward upgrade process, empowering them to choose the charging equipment that’s the right fit for their facilities at preferred prices committed by participating EV charging vendors.

And if you’re curious about EV infrastructure investment and how we can streamline the process, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experts at [email protected]. EVs are the future, and CLEAResult can help you stay ahead of the curve.


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